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Breastfeeding & Lactation

Scime NV, Turner S, Miliku K, Simons E, Moraes TJ, Field CJ, Turvey SE, Subbarao P, Mandhane PJ & Azad MB (2024). Association of human milk fatty acid composition with maternal cardiometabolic diseases: An exploratory prospective cohort study. Breastfeeding Medicine. 

Brown HK, Pablo L, Scime NV, Aker A, Dennis CL (2023). Maternal disability and initiation and duration of breastfeeding. International Breastfeeding Journal.

Scime NV, Brockway M, Metcalfe A, Nettel-Aguirre A, Tough SC, & Chaput KH. (2023). Association of illness perceptions and exclusive breastfeeding intentions among pregnant women with chronic conditions: A community-based pregnancy cohort study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research.*MaCI Study

Scime NV, Metcalfe A, Nettel-Aguirre A, Nerenberg K, Seow CH, Tough SC, & Chaput KH. (2023). Breastfeeding difficulties in the first 6 weeks postpartum among mothers with chronic conditions: A latent class analysis. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth.*MaCI Study

Scime NV, Metcalfe A, Nettel-Aguirre A, Tough SC, & Chaput KH (2023). Association of postpartum medication practices with early breastfeeding cessation among mothers with chronic conditions: A prospective cohort study. (2023). Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica.*MaCI Study

Metcalfe A, Stephenson N, Cairncross ZF, Scime NV, & Fidler-Bernaoudia M. (2023). Exclusion of pregnant and lactating persons from breast cancer clinical trials: a review of active trials registered on Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica.

Singh J, Scime NV, Chaput KH. (2022). Association of Cesarean delivery and breastfeeding difficulties during the delivery hospitalization: a community-based cohort of women and full-term infants in Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health.

Bruney T, Scime NV, Madubueze A, & Chaput KH. (2022). Systematic Review of the Evidence for Resolution of Common Breastfeeding Problems–Ankyloglossia (Tongue Tie). Acta Paediatrica.

Scime NV, Patten SB, Tough SC, & Chaput KH. (2022). Maternal chronic disease and breastfeeding outcomes: a Canadian population-based study. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal Neonatal Medicine.

Scime NV, Metcalfe A, Nettel-Aguirre A, Tough SC, & Chaput KH. (2021). Association of prenatal medical risk with breastfeeding outcomes up to 12 months in the All Our Families community-based birth cohort. International Breastfeeding Journal.

Scime NV, Lee S, Jain M, Metcalfe A, & Chaput KH. (2021). A scoping review of breastfeeding among women with chronic diseases. Breastfeeding Medicine.

Scime NV & Burke SM. (2018). An environmental scan of breastfeeding resources in Canadian neonatal intensive care units. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing.

Gynecologic Disorders & Surgery

Brennand EA, Scime NV [joint first authorship], Huang B, Edwards AD, Kim-Fine S, Hall J, Birch C, Robert M, Carter Ramirez A, on behalf of the Calgary Women's Pelvic Health Research Group (2024). Hysterectomy versus uterine preservation for pelvic organ prolapse surgery: a prospective cohort study. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. with accompanying piece in Conversation Canada *HUPPS Study


Brennand EA, Scime NV, Huang B, Hull PM. Education level is associated with the occurrence and timing of hysterectomy: A cohort study of Canadian women (2024). Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica.​ with accompanying piece in Conversation Canada

Brennand EA, Scime NV, Mannion R, Huang B (2024). Unilateral Oophorectomy and Age at Natural Menopause: A Longitudinal Community-Based Cohort Study. BJOG: British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.


Scime NV, Brown HK, Metcalfe A, Simpson A, & Brennand EA. (2023). Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy at the time of benign hysterectomy among females with disabilities: A population-based cross-sectional study. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Ramage K, Ducey A, Scime NV, Knox E, Brennand EA (2023). Factors affecting women’s decision between uterine-preserving versus hysterectomy-based surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. Women’s Health. *HUPPS Study

Knox E, Ramage K, Scime NV, Brennand E & Ducey A. (2022). A qualitative study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women desiring pelvic organ prolapse surgery in Alberta. Health & Social Care in the Community. *HUPPS Study

Ramage K, Ducey A, Scime NV, Knox E, & Brennand E. (2022). “Broken” – how identities as women, mothers and partners are intertwined with the experience of living with and seeking treatment for pelvic organ prolapse. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.*HUPPS Study


Carter Ramirez A, Scime NV, Brennand EA. (2022). Development of symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse over 10 years of mid-life follow-up is affected by occupational lifting and/or pushing for parous women. Maturitas.

Cummings S, Ramage K, Scime NV, Ahmed S, & Brennand EA. (2022). Gender expression is associated with selection of uterine preservation or hysterectomy for pelvic organ prolapse surgery: Novel methodology for sex- and gender-based analysis in gynecologic research. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. *HUPPS Study

Scime NV, Hetherington E, Metcalfe A, Chaput KH, Dumanski SM, Seow CH, & Brennand EA. (2022). Association between chronic conditions and urinary incontinence in females: a cross-sectional study using national survey data. CMAJ Open.

Edwards A, Carter Ramirez A, Scime NV, Kim-Fine S, & Brennand EA. (2022). Does size matter? Opioid use after laparoscopy for apical pelvic organ prolapse using an 8mm versus 10-12mm accessory port. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology.*HUPPS Study

Scime NV, Brown HK, Metcalfe A, & Brennand EA. (2021). Prevalence of hysterectomy by self-reported disability among Canadian women: findings from a national cross-sectional survey. Women’s Health Reports.

Shah FI, Ramage K, Scime NV, Brennand EA, & Walker LM. (2021). Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) takes up space in the bedroom: A mixed methods exploration of the circular sexual response cycle in women with POP. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery. *HUPPS Study

Scime NV, Ramage K & Brennand EA. (2021). Protocol for a prospective multi-site cohort study investigating hysterectomy versus uterine preservation for pelvic organ prolapse surgery: The HUPPS study. BMJ Open.*HUPPS Study

Midlife & Menopausal Health

Scime NV, Huang B, Brockway M, Brown HK, Brennand EA (2024). Association of lifetime lactation and characteristics of menopause: A longitudinal cohort study. BMC Public Health.

Scime NV, Huang B, Brown HK, Brennand EA (2024). Association of parity with characteristics of menopause: A longitudinal cohort study. American Journal of Epidemiology.

Banack HR, Cook C, Grandi SM, Scime NV, Andary R, Follis S, Allison M, Manson JE, Jung SY, Wild RA, Farland LV, Shadyab AH, Bea JW, & Odegaard AO (2024). The association between reproductive history and abdominal adipose tissue among postmenopausal women: results from the Women’s Health Initiative. Human Reproduction.

Scime NV, Brown HK, Shea AK, & Brennand EA. (2023). Association of infertility with type and timing of menopause: A prospective cohort study. Human Reproduction.

Scime NV, Shea AK, Faris PD, & Brennand EA. (2022). Association of lifetime lactation and age at natural menopause: A prospective cohort study. Menopause.

Scime NV, Shea AK, Faris PD, & Brennand EA. (2022). Impact of lifetime lactation on the risk and duration of frequent vasomotor symptoms: A longitudinal dose-response analysis. BJOG: British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

Female-Specific Risk Factors for Chronic Disease

Scime NV, Velez MP, Choi MY, Ray JG, Boblitz A, Brown HK (2025). Association between infertility and incident onset of systemic autoimmune rheumatic disease after childbirth: a population-based cohort study. Human Reproduction. with media coverage in Healio


Scime NV, Grandi SM, Ray JG, Dennis C-L, De Vera MA, Banack HR, Vigod SN, Boblitz A, & Brown HK (2024). Pregnancy complications and new-onset maternal autoimmune disease: A population-based longitudinal study. International Journal of Epidemiology.

Brown HK, Barrett K, & Scime NV. (2022). Perinatal mental illness and subsequent autoimmune disease risk: Systematic review of current evidence and avenues for future research. Frontiers in Neuroendcrinology.

Scime NV, Wall-Wieler E, De Vera M, & Brown HK. (2022). Recurrent pregnancy loss and incident arthritis in mid-life women: an exploratory longitudinal analysis of the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation. Annals of Epidemiology.

Pediatric & Perinatal Epidemiology

Brown HK, Varner C, Ray JG, Scime NV, Fung K, Guttmann S, Havercamp S, Vigod SN, Lunsky Y. (2023). Comparison of emergency department use between pregnant people with and without disabilities in Ontario, Canada.  JAMA Network Open. 


Elmrayed S, Pinto J, Tough SC, McDonald SW, Scime NV, Wollny K, Lee Y, Kramer MS, Ospina MB, Lorenzetti DL, Madubueze A, Leung AA, Kumar M, & Fenton TR. (2023). Small for gestational age preterm infants and later adiposity and height: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology.

Fenton TR, Elmrayed S, Scime NV, Tough SC, Pinto J, Sabet F, Wollny K, Lee Y, Harrison TG, Alladin-Karan B, Kramer MS, Ospina MB, Lorenzetti DL, Madubueze A, Leung AA, & Kumar M. Small for date preterm infants and risk of higher blood pressure later in life: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2023). Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology.


Hart PMB, Stephenson NL, Scime NV, Tough SC, Slater DM, & Chaput KH. (2022). Second trimester cytokine profiles associated with gestational diabetes and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. PLOS One.

Hetherington E, Adhikari K, Scime NV & Metcalfe A. (2021). Cesarean deliveries among immigrant and Canadian-born women in a representative community population in Canada: A retrospective cohort study. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Canada.

Scime NV, Hetherington E, Tomfohr-Madsen L, Nettel-Aguirre A, Chaput KH, & Tough SC. (2021). Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and child development at 36 months in the All Our Families prospective cohort study. PLOS One.

Zanoni P, Scime NV, Benzies KM, Mrklas K, McNeil DA, & The Alberta FICare©™ in Level II NICU Study Team. (2021). Facilitators and barriers to implementation of Alberta family integrated care (FICare) in level II neonatal intensive care units: a qualitative process evaluation substudy of a multicentre cluster-randomised controlled trial using the consolidated framework for implementation research. BMJ Open.

Joseph KS, John S, Boutin A, Scime NV, Chaput KH, Muraca G, Razaz N, Sabr Y, Lisonkova S, & Dendukuri N. (2020). Modern obstetrics: Beyond early delivery for fetal or maternal compromise. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM.

Scime NV, Gavarkovs AG, & Chaput KH. (2019). The effect of skin-to-skin care on postpartum depression among mothers of preterm or low birth weight infants: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders.

Scime NV, Chaput KH, Faris P, Quan H, Tough SC, & Metcalfe A. (2019). Pregnancy complications and preterm live births according to maternal age group: a population-based study of delivery hospitalizations in Alberta. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. This manuscript was subsequently covered in an article on Contemporary OB/GYN.

Scime NV, Swansburg RM, Kromm SK, Metcalfe A, Leitch D, & Chaput KH. (2019). National analysis of risk assessment content in prenatal records across Canada. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing.

Various Health Promotion Topics

Elliott C & Scime NV. (2019). Nutrient Profiling and Child-Targeted Supermarket Foods: Assessing a “Made in Canada” Policy Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Burke SM, Tomasone JR, Scime NV, Ma JK, Harden SM, Wolfe DL, & The SCIRE Research Team. (2018). Physical activity self-management interventions for adults with spinal cord injury: Part 2–Exploring the generalizability of findings from research to practice. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.

Tomasone JR, Flood SM, Ma JK, Scime NV, Burke SM, Sleeth L, Marrocco S, & The SCIRE Research Team. (2018). Physical activity self-management interventions for adults with spinal cord injury: Part 1 – Use and effectiveness of behavior change techniques. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.

Scime NV, Bartlett DJ, Brunton LK, & Palisano RJ. (2017). Parents’ experiences and perceptions when classifying their children with cerebral palsy: Recommendations for service providers. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics.

© July 2024 Natalie Scime

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